台北 02-25063128  

倫敦 Sunny


Hsu, T. L. 申請上

Hsia, T. T. 申請上

Liao, Y. C. 申請上

Kan, W. L. 申請上

Tseng, T. Y. 申請上

Wang, T. 申請上

Liang, I. L. 申請上

Chen, T. Y. 申請上

Wu, C. Y. 申請上

Lu, Y. F. 申請上

Hsu, H. S. 申請上

Wu, N. Y. 申請上

Tsai, C. A. 申請上

Yeh, Y. S. 申請上

Lin. Y. H. 申請上

Chen, Y. H. 申請上

Chen, I. Y. 申請上

Chiang, H. C. 申請上

Chu, Y. H. 申請上

Hu, C. W. 申請上

錄取人數眾多,無法全數列出 僅列出代表性的學校及學生!!


Alleyn’s School 艾林恩中學
Ashbourne College 阿什伯恩學院
Bancroft’s School 班克羅夫特中學
Bradford Grammar School 布拉德福德文法中學
Bristol Grammar School 布理斯托文法中學
Cathedral School, Llandaff 蘭達夫座堂中學
Channing School 雀寧中學
Chetwynde School
Chigwell School
Churcher’s College 切吉爾學院
City of London School for Boys 倫敦城市男子中學
City of London School for Girls 倫敦城市女子中學
Dixie Grammar School
Downe House School - Berks
Eltham College 埃爾特姆中學
Exeter School
Farlington School
Francis Holland School - Regent’s Park
Fulneck School
Gateways School
Godolphin and Latymer School - Hammersmith
Guildford High School 吉爾福德中學
Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School 商會之阿斯克男子中學
Haberdashers’ Aske’s School for Girls 商會之阿斯克女子中學
Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools
Hampshire Collegiate School
Hampton School 漢普頓中學
Heathfield School, Ascot
Highgate School 海格中學
Ibstock Place School 伊布斯托克廣場中學
James Allen’s Girls’ School 詹姆斯艾倫女子中學
Kimbolton School
King Edward VI High School for Girls 愛德華六世國王女子中學
King Edward’s School, Bath 巴斯愛德華國王中學
King Edward’s School, Birmingham 伯明翰愛德華國王中學
Kingston Grammar School 金斯頓文法學校
Kingswood School
King’s College School, Wimbledon 溫布頓國王學院
Lady Eleanor Holles School
Latymer Upper School - Hammersmith
Leweston School
Lime House School - Carlisle
Llandovery College
Loughborough Grammar School
Luckley House School
Magdalen College School 瑪格達琳學院
Manchester High School for Girls 曼徹斯特女子中學
Merchant Taylors’ School 泰勒商會中學
Millfield School
New Hall School
North London Collegiate School 北倫敦學院中學
Norwich School 諾里奇中學
Notre Dame School 聖母女子中學
Notting Hill and Ealing High School 諾丁丘與伊靈中學
Nottingham High School 諾丁漢中學
Ockbrook School
Oldham Hulme Grammar School
Oundle School - Peterborough
Our Lady’s Convent School
Padworth College
Perse Upper School - Cambridge
Polam Hall School
Putney High School 普特尼中學
Queen Margaret’s School, York
Radley College
Reigate Grammar School
Roedean Moira House
Royal Grammar School, Guildford 吉爾福德皇家文法中學
Royal Grammar School, Newcastle 紐卡斯爾皇家文法中學
Royal Grammar School, Worcester 伍斯特皇家文法中學
Royal High School Bath
Royal Russell School
Rugby School
Salesian College, Farnborough
Shebbear College
Sidcot School
South Hampstead High School 南漢普斯特德中學
St Albans High School for Girls 聖奧爾本斯女子中學
St Albans School 聖奧爾本斯中學
St Bees School
St David’s College, Llandudno
St Edward’s School, Cheltenham
St Gabriel’s School, Newbury 聖加百列中學
St Helen and St Katharine 聖海倫與聖凱瑟琳中學
St John’s College, Cardiff 卡地夫聖約翰學院
St Lawrence College, Ramsgate
St Mary’s School - Calne
St Mary’s School Ascot 阿斯科特聖瑪麗中學
St Paul’s Girls’ School 聖保羅女子中學
St Paul’s School - London
St Swithun’s School - Winchester
Strathallan School
Surbiton High School 瑟比頓中學
Sutton High School GDST
Tettenhall College
The Abbey School, Reading 雷丁阿貝中學
The King’s School Chester 切斯特國王中學
The Manchester Grammar School 曼徹斯特文理學校
The Maynard School 梅納德中學
The Mount School, York
The Queen’s School, Chester 切斯特皇后中學
The Royal School, Armagh
Trinity School - Croydon
Twycross House School
University College School 大學學院中學
Walthamstow Hall - Sevenoaks
Warwick School
Whitgift School 惠特吉夫特中學
Wimbledon High School 溫布敦中學
Windermere School
Withington Girls’ School 威辛頓女子中學